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October 30, 2008

Being an hourly legal messenger on a slow day is like waiting at the airport for a flight that may begin boarding at any minute or it might be delayed three more hours. At any second an announcement could blast over the radio telling you to get on a direct flight to Atlanta. Or it could tell you to prepare for a flight to Salt Lake City where you’ll change planes then fly to Denver, Las Vegas, Sacramento then Cincinnati. Or it could tell you the flight is still delayed. You’re in limbo, waiting. It’s hard to stay awake and at the same time you cannot completely relax. Looking at the clock, again, repeatedly. Spending more and more money on overpriced coffee and shrink-wrapped muffins. How many times can you read USA Today? When you finally board your flight you could be in first class, in for a smooth ride or you could be back by the lavatory in the center seat between two Clydesdales. You may have a 45 minute layover or you might have to sprint across two terminals to make your connection.

Stand the-fuck by uptown

one pill makes you larger

one pill makes you small


coasting downhill
feeling the pull of gravity
autopilot is easy           it’s the
manual override that’s rough
that first step is a doozie
overcoming inertia
as well as family history
cancel and return
turn around     take it back
full circle     round trip
save the slip

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winning said...

Bowl cut fantastic, one can hardly believe you're rockin something else. Yes, I'm winning. Try not to be a total doucher on this hallowed day. Me no likey pumpkins....but I like bunnies. Can I get her number? Just text me and I'll take it from there. Rawr.

Posted October 31, 2008 12:39 AM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to winning...

Chorus: Im winning Im winning Im winning And I dont intend on losing again

Posted October 31, 2008 07:11 AM | Reply to this comment

Kirk R. Dungan said...

Stand by like a slow death that's punctuated by moments of raging screaming feats of daring-do, if you're lucky or slow routine. "Take your time, no rush." says the nice lady on the phone while your thinking "I kind of wanted you to say. 'Get here as fast as you can, you crazy fucker! Ride like hell!'" There's one thing worse, being just to sick to work. At least my cat is happy. All the "Daddy time" she wants.

Posted October 31, 2008 11:12 AM | Reply to this comment

P77 said...

"Gas, brake, honk, gas, brake, honk. Honk honk honk". Pick-up, deliver, wait, pick-up, deliver, wait. Wait wait wait.

Posted October 31, 2008 11:41 AM | Reply to this comment

sirena replied to pilder...

new song but still on the pill theme pilll-der: what a drag it is getting up...

Posted October 31, 2008 06:15 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to sirena...

7 months later...the big FOUR OH. OMG. LOL. Ten Four. yeah. it is what it will be. Cheers to you, and all that shit.

Posted October 31, 2008 10:40 PM | Reply to this comment

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