52 is the new 72
Winter is the new spring
Road grime is the new tan
CETMA rack is the new station wagon
Walking the walk is the new talking the talk
forest service green is the new taxi cab yellow
Black is the new Black
Urban planning is the new afterthought
Bike lane is the new Olestra
Ambiguity is the new clarity
Fish Stick is the new Corn Dog
Electronic filing is the new Y2K
Intensity is the new polyester
Spoon feeding is the new tough love
Recession is the new economy
Condominium is the new homestead
Pipe dream is the new reality
moustache is the new mullet
Notary is the new fake ID
doublemint-beer breath is the new Lysol-poop air
quitting is the new fad diet
16oz is the new 12oz
Beer is the new what’s for dinner
getting old is the new fountain of youth
39 is the new 28
Airline is the new Greyhound
Denial is the new affirmation
Misunderstanding is the new interpretation
hindsight is the new expert witness
yes is the new I've got a call on line 2
no is the new let me get back to you
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