what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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Replying to Milkshake, who said...

Leinenkugel. Blatz. Schlitz. Miller. Spotted Cow. Cory the Bike Fixer. OLD STYLE. Leini's Red. Leini's Wheat. Hamm's being the mid to north west bridge. We didn't touch the Budweisser. We came to Brew City to sit in your bars and drink your beers. 4 bars in 2 hours with twice as many pitchers and cigs smoked on principle, this being day three of three. We love Seattle, and Milwaukee is like a midwestern Portland but we can't wait to roll the Illinois, Iowa, Michigan line straight to Toronto to drink more beer and race bikes like proper professional athletes. Happy birthday from us to you Mr. Pildarwasser. We're drinking for you.

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