Take it to the rack.
Go strong or don’t go at all.
Don’t bring that weak shit inside.
You buy Sharp Cheddar or you don’t come home
aged extra sharp white cheddar.
With it or on it.
Moving through the haze with purpose and direction. Riding a bike as if I’ve got someplace to be, something to do. Aggressive and assertive but not reckless or careless. Focused, tuned in, warmed up. Taking the line I need to take, regardless of traffic. I am a vector cutting through a vast sea of scalars.
I believe this is a much safer state to be in, in traffic. Safer than drifting aimlessly, afloat without purpose, letting the tides of traffic dictate my path. However once in a while I like to drift along with a cup of coffee in hand or a cold beverage, with no particular place to go and when I feel that way I ride slowly, Saturday afternoon-like, or on the sidewalk.
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