this story is so-six-days-ago for all yall insta-spoon-fed-digi-crowd but I got this actual newsprint newspaper at a seafood restaurant in Westport last Thursday however it was only after I was text email text text text text texted about it from Steve and Cory and Ryan and Mark and Linda and Heather and I actually read it online long before I smelled the newsprint in any case any time a bike messenger makes the front page above the fold it's kinda cool and if that messenger is also a close friend that's even cooler cool. if you don't insta digi spoon feed news or you don't live in Seattle or you live under a moist rock like me you can read the story here

another above the fold messenger story that's so-7.5-years ago 2-25-08

here's a messenger holding newsprint above the fold and you can make up your own story but it's so 7-to-8-years ago that guy's a rock star now
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