I'm not making this shit up, I'm just quoting Modest Mouse. That's a Dan Wilson photo on my camera. Including Wilson that's 4 out of 5 members of the entire crew at the time. You can call it 80%. The other one was on the wagon or on the mic or both. I have excellent recollection of the events in question but I will neither confirm nor deny any allegations. Cheers to Alor. And cheers to everyone else being married with children. fuckin A
back when 5950s were 100% wool I rocked the Bucks logo but here and now: http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/id/12685594/milwaukee-bucks-unveil-fiercer-more-aggressive-logo
If I knew now what I knew then I might not be trying so hard to die a rich man, BTW still have those T-shirts I was supposed to mail you, you might have to come up here to get them