what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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the 0.1%

March 30, 2015

sticking with the sticker on the downtube theme. I’ve never been to Palo Alto and I never made it to WheelSmith but I know someone who has and you’ve probably heard of him because he’s kind of a big deal.

this sticker is one of the coolest things about this bike and this bike is my next RAGBRAI bike. For my next next RAGBRAI probably 2016 because I can’t make it this July but more on this later as the bike transforms and ends up looking like all my other bikes. it’s nothing fancy just simple solid predictable and dependable  perfect for leaving in storage 51 weeks out of the year then pumping up the tires and riding across Iowa.

for every 1000 bikes I fix up for other people I fix up one for myself

it's a Specialized Allez Sport circa 1994 nearly stock OEM showroom condition aside from the wheels. The cool thing about 1994 is if you were born in that year on today's date or earlier you can buy me a beer legally in all 50 states

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TGrayce said...

I used to have that exact bike! It was possibly the love of my life, until someone opened a car door on it and bent the frame in two places. I was devastated, I miss that bike every day. Enjoy the ride.

Posted March 31, 2015 04:41 PM | Reply to this comment

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