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what would Mike Sinyard do?

January 29, 2015

Specialized Shiv Pro Race   msrp $6750.00 


 if you're worried about credit card debt, paying off a student loan or back taxes then $6750 for a bike helps to put things in perspective.

I spoke with Alistair electronically this morning and my math was a more than a bit off but the gist was right on.

Bike Works brought in record sales on Sunday at the annual Warehouse sale. A huge amount of income in 4 hours for a small nonprofit shop that only sells used bikes and bike parts. But that same amount of money wouldn't even buy you two Shivs with Washington State Sales Tax.  

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Alistair said...

I have no doubt that there's a ton of engineering in that bike but it's not very easy on the eyes, not much of a looker. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess, I'm sure that some will like it.

Posted January 30, 2015 09:16 AM | Reply to this comment

pilder said...

I agree. The Pro Race part of the name makes sense as in someone else is paying for this thing or it could be called Specialized Shiv triathlete with disposable income

Posted January 31, 2015 08:00 AM | Reply to this comment

37 said...

And an ugly "Sitero Saddle with Hollow Ti Rails" and a seat mast to ensure that it will fit the first user and probably not the second or third or or or. And a integrated drinking system. Yeah, I've got me some disposable income but I also have drawers full of 8 speed xt derailers and bar end shifters and a brain. Apparently, Specialized (tm) isn't interested in the guys that have been riding the same Surly every day since 1999. (and BTW Pilder, if I ever get run over by a bus on my morning commute, Mrs. 37 has been instructed to send all my bike stuff straight to Pilder World HQ. I hope I don't but you never know.)

Posted February 3, 2015 11:53 AM | Reply to this comment

pilder said...

copy that 37. I don't want anyone to get hit by a bus and even if we all live long full lives that 8-speed XT collection could outlive us all JRA normal wear & tear real world conditions and real people riding their bikes to work.

Posted February 3, 2015 07:07 PM | Reply to this comment

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