the same 27 keywords keep popping up here because they mean something to me it’s not that I’m SEOing or maybe I am and I have been since before search engines existed. Finding what works and working it into the ground.
7 speed thumb shifters
they work for me
7 speed cassettes spaced out on 8 9 10 freehub bodies
walking the walk long before talking the talk
the same old photos keep popping up here because they mean something to me moving forward looking back. looking to the future through the framework of the past filling in the gaps with 5-gallon buckets of structural spackle applied with a straight blade shovel and smoothed over by the nostalgically gauze filtered hazy history of selective memory.
those were the days?? really?
i’ve had a 3.2 megapixel camera for 10 years because it worked for me as well as flipping a flip phone when I finally got around to getting a cell phone and now and now and now what the fuck am I doing holding a mega megapixel camera that makes funny noises and if I hold it against my face I can talk into it and hear voices if I can just figure out how to turn it on or off.
skuffing along dragging my feet into the 21st century
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