this is a shifter demo I created last week. Once again inspired by the Community Cycling Center in PDX. Seattle always seems to be trying to catch up to Portland on transportation issues.
Six months ago Lindsey took a trip to Portland and upon her return talked about CCC and all the cool demos they have for instructional purposes and I said we should do that here. As you know when I say we I mean me and here is Bike Works and now the other shoe finally dropped again.
when you clamp it in the stand this thing lets people wrap their heads around limit screws and cable tension and index shifting and derailleur-shifter compatibility and other little do-hickeys with everything you need and nothing you don’t all right there at your finger tips.
the tight geometry allows for an extremely efficient power transfer and the rotating mass of the non existent wheel makes pedaling a breeze and allows you to really stick your nose in it and get all up in there and take a closer look.
I did not destroy this tank-like Bianchi mountain bike just to make a shifter demo. As I was cleaning it in preparation for refurbishing creating another ultimate urban utility bike I discovered a large dent in the chainstay. So I actually saved it from the recycling bin by repurposing it.
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