parallel lines never actually touch they only appear to at that vanishing point your junior high art teacher told you about in addition I’m not really into cars but I can sincerely say Vanishing Point is a cool movie and arbitrary goal setting goals sitting on the horizon are as worthy as anything making it up as we go along because in the end it’s all horseshit or is that the beginning like wearing short pants everyday for six months because you can because your pants can’t get wet if you’re not wearing any it’s about following through and doing what you say you’re going to do because I won’t fucking forget what you said and you only have to say it once perception is reality really until the next morning when you can see straight
I’ve been putting some effort into the construction of this bolt circle diameter totem as seen in the photo above. To the untrained eye these are just a bunch of chainrings hanging on nails on a post. But take a closer look. Each chainring is hanging on a 5-bolt or 4-bolt circle corresponding exactly to its bcd. Ideally there is no way to fuck it up. For the employees or volunteers sorting through piles of used bike part shit it’s easy to put the chainring where it belongs and there’s no need to measure and label and guess the bcd (plus or minus 3 hand written on a scrap of masking tape in purple sharpie). just find the bcd pattern that fits and hang it up. And for the customer it’s easy to find what they’re looking for.
Neil showed me photos of a set up like this from the Community Cycling Center in Portland months and months ago and I said we should do that here. When I say we I mean me and here is Bike Works. So finally the other shoe dropped and I custom made some bcd display bolts from fender struts cut to length and pounded them into that old growth timber holding up the building.
Come by and check it out someday.
But don't fuck it up.
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