that's Shaggy at the WestSide 2009
and on 8/20/14 Shaggy said this:
"Wow what a treat to receive $39 plus postage and handling's worth of time-capsuled spew printed on touch it it's real it's cheap paper in the mail. A big ol' thanks to you mr. official imprint for the trip down I was livin that dream then I'm still livin that dream now holy shit mason looks so young Lane. I would guess the timing of it all bein so close to 815 day seems coincidental till I note the senders affection for the days of yore still a day I adore woulda gotten it then but it looks like it got returned to sender for amendments and do it different next times that got fixed up but only by the 19th of august. just another monday until the gift of printed gab and the men's medium still slim still fit after all these years all those beers showed up like Michael J Fox at the pinewood mall unexpected unannounced is it the future or the past it's all the same to me . But can I wear it for work? things are a little different here on the third coast my boss might have thought it was a great work shirt in 2000 but that was then this is now he only sees me twice a week his choice not mine and when he does I look all 1999 rookie at Rainbow Courier in Columbus OH with the collared shirt minus the necktie and the mountain bike but still it seems like I might make better tips in a collar not a dog collar but I'm on someone's leash isn't it his? I didn't make tips then but my dick still stank."

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