Last night I got a good look at Seattle's entry in the Oregon Manifest Ulitimate Utility Bike design competition. The bike has lots of do-dads and tricky tricks integrated. The handlebar acts as a lock and there are wheel brushes instead of full fenders and the designers claim these will keep the water off your ass.
You can see all 5 cities' bike designs on the Oregon Manifest site next week and vote for your favorite before August 2.
I didn't get any photos. But I got some souvenirs and some expensive beers and got to talk with some old messenger friends and I ran into Ian. Pickle-Juice-Vodka-Ham-Cream-Cheese-Pickle-Roll-Yerba-Mate-RAGBRAI-2008-Ian. He's in Seattle spreading the word of the Bicycle Benefits program.
This is a great reminder to work a little RAGBRAI into your daily life. Only 357 days until the next one.
It's a small world after all. It's a small small world.

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