kickstand #19 Fall 2004 $37.00
this handy piece of bike messenger history comes with a one-of-a-kind gently used real deal retro made in Canada Windsor Wear short sleeve base layer (90% wool 10% nylon) mens small snuggly and wicked warm featuring the kickstand #8 cover design silkscreened by hand on the front. this base layer will look good in the rain after a cross race in November under your jersey. it's much like something Mike Neel might have worn on a chilly autumn fixed gear training ride as seen on the cover of kickstand #19.

kickstand #11 Spring 2000 $39.00
this heaping helping of Seattle messenger history, the dickstank issue, from the salad days of zine production chock full of photos of your friends that are now attorneys and doctors. it's one of two original notarized copies known to still exist in captivity and comes with a one-of-a-kind dickstank T-shirt featuring the understated one word design silkscreened by hand front & center on a mens medium slim fit Hanes comfort blend tagless T-shirt 60-40 cotton-poly blend. this shirt will look good at a summer wedding reception under a bowling shirt as seen at Matt & Clair's wedding.

I am ready to sell out.
prices include shipping in the USA or hand delivery via bicycle if you live on my habitrails
PayPal is OK but please make sure they're not sold before you send payment. My cutting edge inventory tracking system is highly sophisticated but has a considerable lag time.
There is only one of each set available.
email me maybe
pilderwasser at msn dot com
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