this is just a taste a hint a whiff of the wide selection of jerseys and T-shirts that will be available in the 50112 through my exclusive importer-exporter pilderwasser dealer (the guy seen in the yellow jersey below) on a cash-only one time this time it's for real basis on Jimbo's front porch for that great bike ride across Iowa in July. I've done more silkscreening in the last 3 days than the last 3 years and for a few moments it felt like I volunteered to do the grapes of wrath alley cat shirts or all those west side invite 2009 shirts screening so many things in so many sizes and colors but photos of shirts on hangers are so boring in two months time I will be showing you other people's photos of these jerseys and skirts and t-shirts in action eating pork loins bigger than your head drinking ice cold beer from 12oz cans and riding bikes across Iowa

Chris Murray photo natch
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