strapped junior and junior-junior into the bike trailer yesterday and for the first time ever attached it to my bike and took them to Judkins to swing on some swings and eat some raisins in the grass. we heard some whistles and clacking and smacking in the distance and went to see what it was. I hoisted junior out of the trailer to peer over the boards so she could watch one or two minutes of bike polo while junior-junior kept slumping and slipping and slouching down in the trailer causing his helmet to cover his eyes and half his face but he couldn't see over the boards anyway then we went to another park and I thought about what used to be tennis courts and what used to be bike polo which for me was much like a campfire just something to sit around and stare at and drink beer but it never appealed to me as an activity more than kicking rocks or cross country skiing.

they were still "tennis" courts in 2009

bike polo in Seattle looked like this in 2005

the one and only time I tried playing bike polo was at this Magnuson Park goldsprint thingy years ago and that was enough for me
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