Had a few paragraphs in mind a little parable to sum it up succinctly sew it up neatly in a cute little package literally 333 words or less describing the arcs and trends and vectors with lots of arrows implied implicitly and explicitly overt all over all about riding a bike like letting one man’s story serve as an example posted up poster child style but it turns out that would be the outline for a book I’m writing if then or when I write a book and there are not enough hours in the day today to write.
You’re not one minute late for that one
You’re nine minutes early for the next one
You’re both but we don’t need more touchy feely rose colored glasses half full in how you look at it group hug horseshit you missed it by that much and now you can wait for the next one.
Which reminds me of sucking on a gummy bear for a bit then sticking it on the head tube where it may or may not have staid for 10 or more working days.
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