In about six months the pilderwasser collective will be riding their 10th consecutive great bike ride across Iowa. The collective is a solid core of regulars as well as a rotating cast of supporting actors. However, one member of the collective, the one in the photo, has ridden each and every RAGBRAI since 2005 and in the midst of a polar vortex, he’s warming up for his tenth one as we speak wearing this one of a kind barely used long sleeve jersey that metaphorically symbolizes those ten years. While each year is unique and special, in retrospect multiple RAGBRAIs can start to blend together, or look the same to the untrained eye, memories blur and years overlap especially when routes cross over and overnight towns pop up again and those pass-through towns look much like they did seven years ago when you last passed through and Bachman Turner Overdrive is playing in Ames just like they did that one year before.
you ain’t seen nothin yet
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