for thinking and tinkering a sterilized clean workspace kills off creativity like sanitizing solution on the door knobs of liesure life there's a place for everything and everything is more or less in its place plus or minus a few seven speed cassettes an REM cassette and Zeppelin II of course behind a keg cup half-full of bird seed or today it could be half-empty you never know when you'll need an orphaned Fuji non-drive side crank arm or several inches of sparkly brake housing divisible by three but I spy only one Mother's Milk cassette behind some 5 or 6 or 7-speed freewheels holding up blown out front hubs with some adjustable cups up top to place on your table and insert a candle to light on fire for a romantic frozen pizza dinner give me enough JB Weld and I can change the world at a 1:1 ratio two tubes at a time but let me take this opportunity to show you these two works-in-progress seated on the work bench I've been working on them a lot lately
they're very labor intensive
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