to keep reaching in into a repurposed cat litter bucket full of blownout grip shifts to keep pulling out pulling out that same six-speed shifter with the cracked barrel adjuster to keep putting it back on top of the pile and trying to dig a little deeper when returning to the well oh well only to come up with a handful of that same six-speed shifter with the cracked barrel adjuster only to try again tomorrow.
metal fatigue bent back & forth discoloration paint crackled heat build up but no dissipation just plenty of high hopes and expectation sounds expensive like a Record derailleur sheared clean off the hanger by a big fat bladed carbon aerospace industry influenced fiber spoke that still appears none the worse for wear but leave it in the sun for a few years then look back and talk about the good old days.
google this so they can save it on a server somewhere near Moses Lake a server on a server ranch that sucks so much juice straight from Grand Coulee just to stay cool so they can sell your search data back to you repackaged at a later date you have the right to remain silent anything you web-browse can and will be used against you.
in this litigious society the signs clearly point the way when you say you rode to work but the way you took your bike out of your friend’s car on the corner and slapped the front wheel back on with the skewer all the way half ass kinda backwards with the brake cable hanging free in an Andy Friday’s sweat pants rainy day way say no way.
sentence structure paragraph transition complete thoughts thoughtful not too long creating extra friction actually as short as possible without binding avoiding kinks and unnecessary bends making smooth graceful arcs until it’s time to get straight to the pinch bolt point.
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