I was down on the ground when the messenger brought me a letter words below reprinted from August of 2010 because it's Thursday and it's sorta the same as it ever was on the weekends and the rest of the days while the photo above is reprinted from August of yesteryear because it's the day before the first Friday in August
21 and over in dog years
dog eared to mark the date
remember the day
in the context of calendars
ringing in the ear
drinking so much
so much beer
the ears ring
tinnitus is not an earring
it’s the high pitch
tone of a blank TV screen
left on for days
discovered later turned off
you don’t know what you got till it’s gone
Joni Mitchell got it
right in the shin
a glass coffee table corner
been there forever
never noticed
read about it in a book somewhere
coming back around again
more like
a urinary tract infection
less like
rage against the machine
110% half ass
it’s got a handle
grab on
dumb it down
smile and chit chat
talk to your co-workers
more about TV
that’s what we need
what the fuck
did we do before facebook?
priceless now
back in the day
couldn’t give it away
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