if you're old enough to look at this site once in a while you're old enough to have a milk crate full of parts in your basement and you're also old enough to remember what a quill stem is or a compact disc or a land line or a VCR or what hard work gets you.
when I look at a bike size it up take it in check it out the stem is a point of interest there's nothing worse than a clunky chunky cheap ugly alloy stem except a threadless stem converter surrounded by a chunky cheap ugly alloy threadless stem on a beautiful Italian steel road bike
I'm looking for a Salsa one inch quill removable face plate 25.4 clamp or shim-the-shit-out of a 26.0 for a special project projected in my mind.
i've got my finger on the pulse of the used bike part stream that trickles down through the Rainier Valley into Columbia City and Bike Works but these stems do not roll in like the rest because anyone who knows anything doesn't cough them up even if they haven't owned a threaded headset for 17 years these stems are so badass people just keep them in their basement to use as bottle openers or door pulls with fond memories and emotional attachments
More than once I've sent out the call and you et al have answered. More than once of those morethanonces it's been 37 Mike because he's such a badass and his "milkcrate" of parts could fill a shipping container but here it goes again and I'm not just talking to you 37.
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