Bike Works needs a cordless drill. they‘re a little non-profit full-service community bike shop in Seattle that does amazing things with used bikes.
Over the past year I’ve refurbished hundreds of used bikes getting them back on the road at affordable prices through the shop and I’ve also scraped and scrapped together some Little-Rascal-style bike storage racks, gates, tire displays, signs, walk-in closet-like floor-to-ceiling used wheel displays and several work benches and tool boards with a hammer and a pisspoor electric drill held back by many many extension cords.
The other day a Bike Works mechanic reamed out a presta hole by hand for several minutes to achieve Schraderness, which is totally unacceptable in a busy summer bike shop.
So if you’re a tool user walking semi upright with or without opposable thumbs or a prehensile tail think about donating your old functional cordless drill to the shop. Or if you’re just a person with plenty of disposable income, buy a new cordless drill for Bike Works and write it off on your taxes.
Thank you
For real
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