Figure 1. shit happens
Figure 2. shit keeps happening (reverse angle)
This is a compost bin and here’s the recipe:
1 roll of chicken wire
1 bunch of zip ties
1 700c rim & tire
2 27 inch wheels
On a quiet afternoon put it all together.
Add beer to taste.
Stir gently, under medium heat.
Repeat as needed.
Trim unsightly zip ties.
Finally, cut an access panel however you see fit.
Note: In the center of the chicken wire cylinder, to add support, I used a tweaked 700c rim with a trashed Tom Slick mounted for a little something extra i.e. 8mm and some messenger history circa ‘08 Seattle Legal. On the two ends I used 27 inch wheels not only because they’re discarded here and there and everywhere around my work place, but as a personal backyard olde school finger to the bike industry as they are bigger than 29ers, bigger than 700c, and bigger than fucking 27.5 wheels. Ask me about calculating the volume of a cylinder, bead seat diameters, rolling resistance, aerating stinking rotting kitchen scraps and the resourceful use of readily available resources.
Please try this at home and tell them you saw it here.
Or send me $989.00 and I’ll make one for you.
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