Milkshake photo
bird by bird
bit by bit
day by day
bowls full of rusty linear pull brake noodles
straddle cable frayed knots
seated next to pokey pinch bolts
crooked cantilevers cockeyed dropouts
Hard Rock’s brake pads rock hard
bucket loads of aluminum oxide oozing
squeegees needed just to see
we need more coffee
another steel bike resuscitation
performed successfully
repeated repeatedly
all signs indicate one way or another
tire specific tread patterns point
moving forward eventually
contact patches connect the dots
nonbinding cable housing agreements
unspoken nonverbal poor radio reception
understanding underwhelming understated
platform pedals with an aggressive edge
attractive distractions
dissimilar metals get along fine
with a dollop of white lithium grease
Just like Stevil said the other day, it’s doubtful that 30 years from now we’ll be putting fresh tires, new cables & housing onto the carbon fiber frames of today and sending them back into circulation.
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