Traditionally when payday falls on a Friday before a three-day weekend things are good and it’s a good thing to dust off those white shoes worn only after Memorial Day unless you always wear white shoes that match your white bib shorts white saddle and white bar tape and your things all stay really white because you never ride in the rain or never really ride at all and maybe you like sandals with socks so you’re prepared to pay more at the pump because you drive your car everywhere or maybe because you’re a paid professional with a team mechanic and a truckload full of fresh whiter white replacement things or maybe you bought two pair of white SPD shoes at closeout prices from Recycled Cycles at the bike expo a set for you and a set for your fiancé for matching mountain bike rides through the hills alive with the sound of that line won’t work on me with a BA in Anthropology from the finest liberal arts school in the country why don’t you want to hire me? that’s not my rusty chain but it could have been while it could yet to be but if it was and I took a photo it wouldn’t look so clean.
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