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why so tense?

February 2, 2011

A pair of spokes walk into a bar

the bartender says, “Why so tense?”


right here  or   there in the shop that produces the finest bike wheels in the world one may occasionally see a retired wire spoke performing tasks that spokes are good for, like fishing in valve holes or letting the air out of tubular tires’ valve extenders or picking turkey out of teeth, as the possibilities follow the versatility and the utility  and  and  and  here’s to the concept the idea the memory and or the theory of driving brass nipples clockwise in the name of uniform spoke tension in and for the County of King residing in Seattle

see Wheel Fanatyk for photo and info on FSA tensiometer

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retired wire spoke said...

is there a Starbucks around here?

Posted February 12, 2011 07:09 AM | Reply to this comment

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