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half full cup of coffee half empty

March 28, 2010

In her right hand   a double short Americano to go  

in her left    a handful of front brake

cruising    coasting    23mph   downhill tears welling up rolling down Second Avenue she weighs the pros and cons of potential evasive maneuvers around Jane Doe’s sudden stop to unload John Doe in the Benaroya bike lane   visions of a buckaroo endo over the bars then over the passenger door with both feet clipped out cleanly  ditching the bike and bending the fork but saving the cup of coffee    smiling and talking to herself inside and out loud    all this and more in an early morning first run of the day haze   the fog of work worked over her eyeballs   hazy foggy fuzzy faded      so much so      so it’s hard to tell where the weather stops and the hangover starts  where the great night ends and the rough morning begins   where her genetic makeup is just a setup for her family history to kick in      where those rose colored glasses keep falling off her head and getting run over by a bus

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