Where everything is a sunny breezy smooth and easy bike ride away from everything else
Where it’s OK to horse around while riding because there must be a pony in there somewhere
Where working means riding a bike and horsing around means riding a bike
Where a bag full of beer is much lighter and much more important than a bag full of law books
Where it doesn’t matter how you get there or when you get there or if you actually arrive at all
Where there are no copies to conform so relax and don’t worry about calling to confirm
Where the judges do not want 3-ring binders full of courtesy copies
Where drivetrains are silently efficiently effectively frictionless
Where spoke tension is uniform
Where nobody speaks the same language but everybody understands
Where the Sunday NY Times is delivered by cherubic children on bicycles and it doesn’t get stolen off your porch
Where you can wash your hair with dish soap and wash your dishes with hand soap
Where the gravitational pull of predictability is comforting like a magnetic attraction or a landmark used to get your bearings and not just the same old rote route rut routine that becomes overbearing
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I'm just carrying the torch for a little while, I promise you that it will "be on fire" when I give it back.