what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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and red allover

September 19, 2009

history archaeology stratigraphy
layers   lawyers   liars
idea theory speculation
story   tall tale   religion
hope    faith    fear
flighty  fluff  follower
amateur  dilettante  hipster
trend fashion tradition
advisor  consultant  expert
factual   truthful   comical
press release
media coverage
damage control
swallow it whole
hook line sinker
bite on the head fake
chew it for awhile
masticate regurgitate extrapolate
from the particular to the universal  

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Megan said...

"Wit has truth in it; wisecracking is simply calisthenics with words." Dorothy Parker said that. I read that she was painful to be around. Glad there is no pain 'round you. PDX misses you.

Posted September 20, 2009 01:40 PM | Reply to this comment

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