predictable randomness inevitable coincidence
pressure relief steam vent
fish hook flip flop
crock pot plumb bob
expert witness tainted sample
fresh meat banana peel
velvet pants exhaust manifold
coffee break half n half
long reach short stack
tall boy six pack
station wagon ladder rack
pot smoker house painter
smoke blower defense lawyer
gold bricker bike whisperer
lock nut keyed washer
thread chaser head tube facer
frame alignment missed assignment
circumcised Flite saddle
loose ball headset
sealed cartridge bearing detachable faring
flat tire long walk
green olive celery stalk
buffalo jerky bloody mary
Arnold Palmer Shirley Temple
petite stature booming voice
Graham & Dunn no choice
bad actor poor politician
self fulfilling gas station
round trip flat rate
fixed labor payroll cost
freewheel coast to coast
employees horrible dispatching
independent contractors chronic dickscratching
thread bare first impression
REI dividend Magnolia cul-de-sac
Volvo wagon purple fleece
red wine purple teeth
ponytail bald beret
east coast private school
New England old money
Mercer Island Lake Oswego
moldy blue cheese Asiago
washed up scrubbed down
old dog new trick
salt lick deer tick
lazy eye cow pie
buck up bare down
turn to the left and cough
rubber glove unconditional love
spoken word rabbit turd
peripheral vision indecision
Can’t do Can’t do without
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