what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

pilderwasser unlimited T-shirts  pilder what? kickstand P know knew spew snap shots autoBIKEography RAGBRAI  slide shows phot-o-rama stationary-a-gogo 1/2 x 3/32 links

purple turtle

August 20, 2009

bartenders blue cups bloody marys breakfast
purple turtle  purple turtle  purple turtle
rasta pasta salad stale oyster shooters
annoying yellow jacketed bike commuters
fight or flighty    moist and flakey
soaked in sweat and dried and soaked again
roadmaster forecaster Doppler effect
it’s all foreclosures these days
overdue library book
well lit breakfast nook
30% off day-old sandwiches
crinkling cellophane  
crumbs cascading collecting contrasting carpet
so sorry Mr. Dual Carpet Sweeper dude
spontaneous curmudgeon
misdirected Sisyphusian enthusiasm  
way down yonder way
up the river  down the road
no such thing as a free lunch
messenger appreciation Thursday
week weak chirp chirp wink wink

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RedKev said...

Next time I see you, ask to see the top of my right foot.

Posted August 24, 2009 11:16 PM | Reply to this comment

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