what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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Where have you gone Jamie Buhl?

March 30, 2009

concentric circles cycling
recession ripples radiating
round & round
downtown   ghost town   trickle down
to a trickle
tweaking leaking toilets
provoking plumbing poltergeists
loitering in the loading dock
summoning spirits on the service elevator
taking shortcuts through the park
gazebo demons to appease
exorcised daily
daily exercise
spinning wheels   stationary bicycle
treadmill uphill        running in place
Progress (n. prog-res)  Progress (v. pruh-gres)
          - stagnate -
analog ideals erased
digital results recorded
according to schedule
running late
half step behind  or  half step ahead
just out of reach

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cat said...

i heart jamie buhl.

Posted April 7, 2009 09:45 AM | Reply to this comment

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