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not too high, not too low

March 7, 2009

That 3 gallon jug of water
makes your bag really heavy

You’re really thirsty
What are going to do now?

It costs 3 cents to make a penny
What’s the point?

Your headache medicine
Gives you stomach cramps

Your stomach medicine
Gives you diarrhea

Your diarrhea medicine
Gives you headaches
Think about it

actuaries count on       you not knowing
insurance companies thrive on paranoia
pharmaceutical companies won’t tell you
attorneys profit because you don't know

doctors are getting kickbacks all around

Your 5th grade teacher told you
and you didn’t believe her

4 gills = 1 pint
2 pints = 1 quart
4 quarts = 1 gallon
31½ gallons = 1 barrel
2 barrels = 1 hogshead

A beer & wine retailer suggests a ¼ barrel (aka pony keg) of beer for most parties and a ½ barrel only if you’re expecting 150-200 people to show up

I suggest a ½ barrel if you’re expecting 15-20 messengers to stop by

Some messengers can and will drink as much as 10 people

a keg of beer is only 15 gallons

Hey Steve, you can't see me right now but I'm flipping you off

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RedKev said...

2 growlers from the Elysian on Sunday are gone by Tuesday at my house without even trying. 1 Keg=30 Growlers

Posted March 8, 2009 03:56 AM | Reply to this comment

matt pidler replied to RedKev...

copy that Kevin. I saddled up to that same bar a few times and 2 or 3 pitchers of IPA disappeared before I even took a piss. Then I stood up and realized I needed to walk home. 27 more pitchers and I'd own the keg. But at full retail that'd be $420 before the tip. Sunday is a good day.

Posted March 8, 2009 09:17 AM | Reply to this comment

anonymous said...

uniform or costume. accessory or necessity. davies: dedicated follower of fashion. bowie:turn to the left. urban outfitters or st vincent depauls. sidi or samba. prescription curves into perception until perception returns unto its prescription. pity this fashion trend not. what's in your wallet.

Posted March 8, 2009 11:13 AM | Reply to this comment

day light savings time said...

Seabass too high? I think not. Too low? Me thinketh not once more. May the doobie toobie live long under that man's Selle Italia.

Posted March 8, 2009 12:14 PM | Reply to this comment

Case said...

A keg in the hand is worth 6 cases and a fifth. Choose your favorite spirit for the fifth.

Posted March 8, 2009 02:10 PM | Reply to this comment

Case said...

6.66 cases to the keg, once again proving, beer is the devil!

Posted March 8, 2009 02:11 PM | Reply to this comment

steve said...

Hey pilloweater, You cant see me right now, but i'm mooning you and hardening the fuck up with a roadmaster of the mighty Rainier.

Posted March 9, 2009 10:31 AM | Reply to this comment

Steve replied to Case...

Harden the fuck up case.

Posted March 9, 2009 10:32 AM | Reply to this comment

wiskeylips said...

but will they go with my mustache?

Posted March 9, 2009 03:29 PM | Reply to this comment

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