what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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January 26, 2009

you me us     we
We deny knowledge or information sufficient
to form a belief as to the truth of the
allegations in paragraph 3.3
of the plaintiffs’ complaint
Yeah whatever       good answer
What about me
There’s no I in we
We have issues
Stacked floor to ceiling
long-time subscribers
We have issues
Quality of life    half life    shelf life
Expiration date  deadline   priority
people in hell want icewater         ASAP
As Soon As Plausible
soon sooner soonest
sooner or later
It’ll get there when it gets there
or not
Either way   anyway   six lane elevated freeway
Really in the longest of long runs
 Really  it just doesn‘t matter
I’d like to introduce you to my coworkers
Friction   wind resistance    gravity
They seem to get along well together
I was never much of a team player
Humidity  precipitation  temperature
altitude attitude longitude latitude
Cut me some slack
Slack slacker slackest
Slacking   standing by     -inertia
A body at rest remains at rest
It gets hard harder   hardest
to get off the couch   to get off the babysitter
Thought it was phantom cell phone syndrome
Got a second opinion
 Turns out     it’s a phantom U-lock in my pocket
Take two of these and don’t call me in the morning
This product has been proven to
Cause cancer in laboratory animals
In the state of California
Side effects may include
Nausea   dry mouth  vertigo
Loss of appetite   Weight gain
delusions of invincibility
unreasonable respect for authority
upset tummy       poopy pants icky
A poor little rich girl sense of entitlement
How’s my driving?
Call 1-800-it’s-a-rhetorical-question
You talkin to me
please deliver an original and a copy
 plaintiffs' first set of interrogatories

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Steve said...

That risky business clip reminds my of Craigs mom, only mine isn't a dream. She likes her back washed, and I don't have to sweat the going to college part.

Posted January 27, 2009 02:43 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder said...

the dream is always the same...instead of going home you go to Shirley's house

Posted January 29, 2009 12:51 AM | Reply to this comment

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