Rock, paper, scissors. Whatever. It’s 50 lbs of shit stuffed into a $10/hour messenger bag. The cost of living. The cost of doing business. The cost-benefit analysis. Whatyagonna do? You can’t afford to. You can’t afford not to. Let me think about it and get back to you. Odds are even. Six of one. Half dozen the other. Take me to your leader. Take me to the cleaners. The side effects of the prescribed remedy are far worse than that which ails you. You think that’s bad, did you hear the one about the small messenger company? I can see it from here. I could see it from there. I’m seeing it everywhere.
Playoffs? Don't talk about playoffs. Are you kidding me.
Some people are flat bar people. Some people are riser bar people. You can tell a lot about a person from the bars they employ on their daily driver. Your flat bars talk no nonsense.
word. I've been through drop bars, DWI bars, hacked off DWI drops in the bull horn ghetto, moustache, riser...whatever it takes. I've been through diamonds, I've been through minks, I've been through it stinks. No really, a flat bar downtown is all I need. cheers. I got to get it I got got to get it