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back in the saddle

December 29, 2008

Happy to get back in the saddle and I like my saddle setback - back. Not so happy to go to work but at least happy to be getting on a bike and not setting out on another long soggy day of walking. The longest hiatus, sabbatical, respite, suspension, time off the bike ever --- ever, is now over. The bike muscles are back in town and the walking muscles can go back to where they’ve been hanging out all these years. 

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Steve said...

My bike feels funny. I can't tell if it's broken or if I just don't remember what it feels like to ride it again.

Posted December 29, 2008 12:37 PM | Reply to this comment

Shake said...

All those noises that were there last week are still there. I was hoping they would go away on their own.

Posted December 29, 2008 05:50 PM | Reply to this comment

pham replied to Shake...

yeah, you can put a million paper clips in my spokes and i wouldn't even notice. you can hear my shit bike rolling up from blocks away.

Posted December 29, 2008 11:17 PM | Reply to this comment

cat said...

i wear headphones when i ride so i can't hear the noises my bike makes.

Posted January 4, 2009 01:47 PM | Reply to this comment

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