Should we talk about the weather? No
I don’t want to be that guy …Snow
It’s allover everywhere and we’re all over it
Blisters turn to calluses. Suck it up, they say. And just like anything else you get used to it. Get over it. Get out from under it. Get off it. Get on with it.
And I am so ready to too
Easy to say. Easy to do with a day or two over 32°
Winterwonderland is a place you visit by choice or vacation. Seattle in the snow is so 1996. It was fun for a day and great for a weekend. But I think many people here feel the same way and are ready to see bare wet streets, 45 and rain.
We’ve all taken a moment to appreciate the majestic beauty of the snow covered city. The muffled quiet of traffic-less streets. The frightened screams of drunk people sledding down Denny from Summit all the way to Stewart. The goofy laughter of kids building their first snowman. But I no longer have the happy-go-lucky attitude of a Pomeranian in the snow.
I have the grumpy poopy pants attitude of an old messenger that has missed a few days of work and walked out a few more and I’d like to take a moment to appreciate how the snow here makes everything heavier, wetter, slower, slicker, slipperier, slushier and suck just a little bit harder
45 is the new 65. Not years old, degrees Fahrenheit.
Everyone is a little bit edgier, crustier, grumpier. Not just your local messenger, but your cashier, your lawyer, your mail carrier, your bartender and your dog walker. Drivers are a faster on the draw, ready to lay on the horn or get vocal. Not typical Seattle.
My bikes have become laundry racks and haven’t seen the street for a week.
Let’s talk about something else
wanna come upstairs and see my binder clip collection?

10 years ago
Erik Jahnz took this photo
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