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A Christmas Story

December 26, 2008

When the smoke clears you realize
sometimes the hardest part of the journey
is just getting out of the driveway

Three friends
Three cases of beer
Three liters of merlot

Three cats
One dog

One bottle of Maker's
One little snowball fight
One huge steaming pot of amazing cioppino

One badass Blaine Christmas
One hundred miles north of Seattle

36 hours in socks no shoes. Walking outside but only as far as the next cold beer and then walking back in. Repeating as needed. Rocky, Rocky II, Rocky III, Rocky IV and a taste of Rocky V.  Eat, drink, sleep, drink, eat, drink, drink and drink.

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pham said...

rocky four is actually tattooed in my childhood memoir. mp, one dog named "tiger" and two bottles of jameson.

Posted December 27, 2008 02:29 AM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to pham...

two for you (2) too. What did the rest of your family drink?

Posted December 27, 2008 09:20 AM | Reply to this comment

Sugarbear said...

I'm glad you made it!!

Posted December 27, 2008 01:15 PM | Reply to this comment

gigo said...

mother fucker cory! that's my chile hat.

Posted December 31, 2008 08:07 PM | Reply to this comment

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