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cabin fever

December 21, 2008

Longest night Shortest day         solstice
it’s all downhill from here
depending on where you’re standing

new members roll in         welcome   to
The Eternal Order of Cabin Fever
Seattle    Local #1802
feeding off feedback
loops    looping    loopy
fending off Sleestacks
Loose       lose     losing it                 winning

Marshall, Will and Holly
on a routine expedition
on a day like this      

a hairball idea
cat got your tongue
and puked it up        twice

go outside

theorizing  philosophizing  paralyzing   
little marshmallows floating
Swiss Miss meets Jim Beam

Top Ramen meets grilled cheese
Holmgren meets Favre         again
box wine meets pint glass


a subtle gesture with the left hand
half smile and nod
happy hour Rainier relief pitcher
out of the bullpen

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