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OK to slide

December 19, 2008

Five hours on the clock
Five done jobs in my bag
Then five more hours at the bar
And five more after that

snow and ice mean something in a city of seven hills
Seattle looks good in the snow
It looks even better from a warm barstool
We don’t need another hero
feeling Minnesota
We’re not in Kansas anymore
Please use the revolving door

For more photos of out-of-control cyclists
See the phot-o-rama page

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Kirk R. Dungan said...

Dam, Seattle is starting to look like Anchorage. Maybe I should send down some of my old Nokian studded tires.

Posted December 19, 2008 12:19 PM | Reply to this comment

Case replied to Kirk R. Dungan...

Clair and I just talked about you and your lovely Atty last night Kirk. I also mentioned your expertise concerning studded tires. We've had quite the run on our Schwalbe studded tires down here. Need a pair? Easy to ship since they come in folding too. 304 studs per, not too shabby.

Posted December 19, 2008 02:17 PM | Reply to this comment

Kirk R. Dungan replied to Case...

I've heard good things about those tire but I'm well stocked on Nokian's.

Posted December 19, 2008 08:27 PM | Reply to this comment

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