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seven layer bars

December 16, 2008


23 degrees. That’s not that cold…if you’re from Spokane, Boise, Laramie, Grinnell or Milwaukee. If you’re from Seattle 23 is cold.  But sunny and crisp is not a bad way to go. To go by bike. It just means wearing a few more layers and it’s no big deal until you work up a sweat then go inside the passport office and wait in line for 25 minutes and though you’ve stripped down as far as you can in a government office the sweat is dripping down your ass crack and soaks through your baselayer.  Then when you finally make it up to the glass-enclosed clerk and make your delivery, it’s time to go back outside and freeze. But only until the next time you get hot and then stand around inside. 

Seven layer salad. Seven layer cookies. Seven layer dip.


P for Peet's sake

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required said...

p is for punk.

Posted December 16, 2008 11:00 AM | Reply to this comment

Kirk R. Dungan said...

The secret to working in cold weather no matter where you are. Don't sweat too much while your indoors.

Posted December 16, 2008 07:28 PM | Reply to this comment

bob said...

the past two days have produced two of the most breathtaking sunsets i have ever seen.....sometimes wait time is good time

Posted December 16, 2008 08:35 PM | Reply to this comment

shake said...

High twenties. Chevy Silverado. Heavy foot. Empty parking lots. Ice as far as you can see. Good times.

Posted December 16, 2008 10:34 PM | Reply to this comment

sirena said...

seven vodkas to the wind. seven ways from sundown. Seventh heaven seventh veil I was only joking Seven vodkas to the wind Seven steps to Satan Seven cities made of gold

Posted December 17, 2008 08:42 AM | Reply to this comment

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