what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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it's not you - it's me

December 8, 2008

First thing in the morning
Last thing at night
What are you doing

in between

Get up    go to work
Go home   go to sleep
Get up    go to work

It’s not you   It’s me
It’s the economy
Are you kidding me

half-ass   hose clamp   ziptie
janky   JB Weld    spackle   Bondo
patch it     tape it    tie it up  
Visqueen    blue tarp    lean-to
make do    that’ll do

What’d you do                 today

That's Case on the left and one of those guys from DANK bags on the right. In the center you see Case's new one-of-a-kind all Velcro DANK bag. When you're all velcro the options are limitless.
Hook & Loop.
Press n Play.
Run with it.
Stick it. 

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Case said...

I would have waited much longer to have that thing. The Utah really does pop doesn't it?

Posted December 9, 2008 09:26 AM | Reply to this comment

P77 said...

To MC: Flyers huh? Glad to see you're a hockey fan. (PS: It's too early to be sure but I think my little boy is gonna be a redhead like his Mom) P77 Warlocks BC Boise Chapter

Posted December 10, 2008 03:49 PM | Reply to this comment

Case said...

Oh yeah baby! Flyers all over this joint! Good luck with that redhead, let me know if you need any tips on keeping him in check, I'll give you my mom's number.

Posted December 10, 2008 06:46 PM | Reply to this comment

Case said...

Glad to hear you're a fan too Patches, maybe you and I can take a trip to Dallas to see your team!

Posted December 10, 2008 06:47 PM | Reply to this comment

P77 said...

Case- You know damn well I don't even recognize the Dallas South Stars as a fucking hockey team (except on the rarest occasions I can still appreciate the efforts of Mike Modano). And don't worry, I already have your Mom's number. PChez

Posted December 11, 2008 01:04 AM | Reply to this comment

C39 said...

God, I love you guys!

Posted December 16, 2008 07:03 PM | Reply to this comment

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