All I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi. Consumer confidence ebbs and flows, shrinks and grows, in an inverse proportional relationship to the amount of holiday cheese decorations displayed downtown. Cue Toni Braxton Christmas song here 3,400 WaMu jobs to be cut in Seattle. 1,000,000 square feet of WaMu office space to vacate in Seattle. But the SPD is hiring. Andy Griffith, TJ Hooker and Gil Kerlikowske walk into a bar. The bartender says, “Last Call” ! The trickle down economy trickling down downtown until there’s no place else to go.
Stand by
Here's Adam Toothaker winning a race in a pilderwasser t-shirt
and this from Mr. Toothaker himself:
bike bio:
frame was a trade with kevin carter and he pulled it from the dead
baby pile for a possible polo bike
the cranks are from recycled cycle.
the forks, i got those because they are pink- carlie and kevin- from
the other used bike shop on the east side of pdx that isn't city bikes.
spd clipless pedals from an abandoned gary fisher in a house my dad
was remodeling.
salsa stem i won here in boise at the hellracer.
bars from a friends wife here in boise-43
brooks saddle with a reflector that my uncle attached in something
like 1978ish
wheels are deep v and the rear hub is white industries eno because wwmd
ratio is 34x17
this is the reason why i am sharing; because, when i was building up
the wheel in may, charlie had told me about case planning a memorial
event for the three lost on the hill. charlie didn't make the
connection of me might knowing them, it was a casual mention about him
maybe going to seattle and i was totally caught off guard at the
truing stand. i was planning on bringing the bike to seattle to show
kevin. i had a feeling that he would be into my build that i had done.
there is my catharsis. do you charge for the first hour, can we
prorate this session.
ride safe
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