what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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Take my bike, please

December 3, 2008

A priest, a rabbi and a bike messenger walk into a bar…

Did you hear the one about the drunk messenger?

How many messengers does it take to change a light bulb?

This messenger walks into a bar,  the bartender says…

What do you call a bike messenger with a masters degree?

what a surprise
knockin me out with those American thighs
early morning opening my eyes
painfully slow to recognize
looking back now I realize

  nearly naked beer slides
 corduroy cutoffs in July
 looking forward to RAGBRAI

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thighs said...

then did you tell the bartender that it's not about a degree, it's about a quality of life issue?

Posted December 3, 2008 04:16 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to thighs...

10-4. and she said "what do you call a bartender with a Masters?" and I said "A bartender"

Posted December 3, 2008 08:46 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to thighs...

and then I said, you don't need a second job just to buy a flat-screen TV. and you don't need to wait in line all night at WalMart either.

Posted December 3, 2008 08:58 PM | Reply to this comment

Steel ball city said...

If you count the fat guy, we had full on naked beer slides

Posted December 7, 2008 12:23 PM | Reply to this comment

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