what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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feral cat

November 27, 2008

At least the sign is good for something. Something like a bike rack. Something to lock up to since they took out all the parking meters and painted a bike lane.

Traffic is light not because of the holiday but because everyone lost their jobs.

Form follows function but may not be in fashion. With the haircut came the tighter pants and the belt. A belt so obviously not necessary because the pants were so fucking tight. The shoes. The hat. The hoodie. The riser bar hacked down to the size of two Oury grips. That’s right. Omak track bikes. Moses Lake fixie kids. Alley Cats in Walla Walla. It’s 2003 again. All over everywhere again.

Technically sound. Efficient. Well done all in all.
lacking emotion. The absence of passion.
feels like a textbook.
It sounds like the piano player at Two Union

A feral cat lapping up rancid fat

copy that


Did you say high functioning alcoholic?
No, I said highly functioning autistic.

mud in your
eye bit off more than I could
choo-choo training
bra strap
on Steely Dan
B-sides the obvious

They say   you can’t take it with you

They say   come and get it right away
They say   it had to be there yesterday
They say   tomorrows another day

They say   are you on a bicycle?

copy that

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sam said...

Happy T-G'ing, Pilder.

Posted November 27, 2008 02:58 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to sam...

hey. same to you

Posted November 27, 2008 03:15 PM | Reply to this comment

elgato said...

Wish you could have been in the VA for our T-day fiesta. the Mole' was amazing. miss the Rainer tall boys, and you too son

Posted November 27, 2008 09:19 PM | Reply to this comment

pilderwasser replied to elgato...

Cheers to you. Let me know when you're in the 206 and you can step into my office for a tallboy.

Posted November 28, 2008 11:07 AM | Reply to this comment

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