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it's the most wonderfulest time of the year

November 24, 2008

This is perhaps the greatest photo ever taken of the entire bike crew of a small legal messenger company in late November at the end of a two-term lamest of lame duck sessions in the midst of a gigantic recession       mid-morning Purple.


The guy on the left was Lando Calrissian for Halloween. The guy on the right used to wear a Lando action figure necklace back back back in the day.

Coincidence…I think not.

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mary* said...

thats some solid waleg enthusiasm right there! who knew they had it in em?

Posted November 25, 2008 08:26 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to mary*...

as you know I like Toni Braxton. I'm still working on that video, since they nixed it from youtube. It is a classic. you'll see

Posted November 25, 2008 10:18 PM | Reply to this comment

172 said...

those two look like homecoming royalty in a summer parade. smile smile smile, wave wave wave.

Posted November 26, 2008 12:46 PM | Reply to this comment

*mary replied to pilder...

"like" is one word for it. "obsessitron" though, not a real word, might describe it a little better. you know what else is a classic? bobby brown!

Posted November 26, 2008 07:36 PM | Reply to this comment

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