On the 7th day she said, “go outside, get out of my face, get out of the house, go for a bike ride or something” and I did. and it was good.
got zooted out and rode off in an aimless recreational direction. A short time later stopped, sat on a bench and had a brief chat with Louisa Boren. Then checked in with Bruce Lee and Brandon too. Looked at the view. Went around a block or two. Then went to the bar to continue. My work. My work on pondering life’s great questions.
It’s not a journey vs. destination thing
It’s not a North or a South thing
It’s not a Yes or a No thing
It’s a quality of life thing
It’s an IPA thing
I stepped over the line. Then I stayed for a while and stepped back. But you know I’d like to keep my options open and reserve the right to step over it again sometime.
They keep the glass ceiling so clean you can’t even see it. But because you’ve heard so much about it, you assume it’s there. The framework is there, the support structure has been built up, in your mind for years. And years. But last week I finally got a ride on the secure elevator, and now I know there is no glass in that ceiling. Nothing there. It’s all in your mind.
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