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what was it?

November 19, 2008


really         what was it?

Was it her
subtle voice inflection
Was it her
genuine truth detection
Was it her
urinary tract infection
or was it just
location          location              location

Taking Taylor
down the hill
from your $2.7 million Queen Anne home
to your $1.6 million job in Redmond

left on Mercer
merging   sipping   listening to NPR

You never even saw me
I see you every day

your initial mistake was no big deal
it was the overcorrection at the wheel
that caused the 7 car pileup
Northbound I-5 near exit 168a

you were texting
your girlfriend     your wife says

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mamabear said...

do they kill mamabears??

Posted November 20, 2008 08:58 PM | Reply to this comment

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