Here’s Sugarbear with a Polar bear outside the Columbia Center. Part of a protest against Bank of America. All I could gather before security shooed them away, is that BoA must be killing polar bears. The spooky Snuffleupagus-like bear was also spotted outside the Federal Building which leads me to believe the government is killing polar bears too.
I held the door it’s true
that doesn’t mean I wanted to
have sex with you
But I do
I would
I will
We could
take the elevator to the penthouse
Personal service only
A pickup and delivery
enveloping the entire package
Call when complete
rush roundtrip notary signature
Obtain exemplified copy of the order
get the complaint no exhibits
got no complaints
Are you a courier?
No I’m a Gemini
Let me see your ID
Step through one more time
What’s that in your pocket
Take off your belt
Assume the position
Like I told Cat, songs are poems that lend themselves to being repeated and the music helps them along, makes them stick. But this little ditty here keeps coming back, popping up, lending itself to repetition. I repeat. I wrote it a few months ago on a scrap of paper and you've seen it here before. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
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